AudioJoG Rack 19 powerCON True 1 fan out is a cable tester to test standard 18 or 19 wire Socpex cables as well as Socapex plug to 6 powerCON True 1 outlet fan out or spider.
Connectors fitted:
Socapex 19 pin plug
Socapex 19 pin socket
6 x powerCON True 1 outlet
Test Modes:
- In normal operation connect both or all ends of the cable. Press the test button. The tester will identify the type of connection and if there are any opens, shorts or crossed wires.
- Memory. If the connected cable could not be identified then the found connections will be displayed one by one. After which these details can be stored and used to test similar cables.
- 19" 3u rack mount W 483mm H 132mm D 60mm.
- Easy to use one button operation.
- Test time less than 1 second.
- Detects Opens, Shorts and Crossed wires.
- 2 x 16 character OLED display for test results.
- Preprogrammed cable types.
- Single user Memory option for special cables.
- Mains and battery use ( adapter included ).

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